New Products

BF-350 Tanita® Body Comp. Analyzer/Scale

Affordable, portable and interactive. Built-in LCD display shows weight, body fat % and BMI enhanced

BF-350 Tanita® Body Comp. Analyzer/Scale

WB-100A Tanita® Digital Scale

440 lb. capacity scale platform and column mounted easy to read 1" digital display.  Runs on A/

WB-100A Tanita® Digital Scale

WB-800AS Tanita® Digital Scale

440 lb. capacity scale platform (no weight lock) and column mounted easy to read 3" digital dis

WB-800AS Tanita® Digital Scale

C-400 Tanita® Nylon Carrying Case

Nylon bag with reinforced shoulder straps. features an extra compartment inside for equipment and ou

C-400 Tanita® Nylon Carrying Case

C-200 Tanita® Hard Carrying Case

This hard plastic case includes foam inserts and metal locking latches. Fits BWB-800 series. Categor

C-200 Tanita® Hard Carrying Case

PS-6600 Befour Take-A-Weigh Digital Scale

Provides reliable, repeatable weight readings in an affordable portable package. Built-in rechargeab

PS-6600 Befour Take-A-Weigh Digital Scale

SC-1816 Take-A-Weigh Carrying Case

Strong cordura nylon material protects scale in transit and storage. Zipper on 3 sides. Sewn-in pock

SC-1816 Take-A-Weigh Carrying Case

SS-2000T Befour / Edge Sports Scoreclock / Timer with Tablet

Digital solid state electronic circuitry provides accurate time as well as scoring for matches and t

SS-2000T Befour / Edge Sports Scoreclock / Timer with Tablet

HC-1824 Hard Shell Carrying Case

Impact resistance polyethylene construction, swivel handle, chrome locks. Pre-cut foam interior, can

HC-1824 Hard Shell Carrying Case

MT3 Mat Transporter

Easy to use. Fits through any standard doorway. One dolly will handle mat sections up to 14' wide. T

MT3 Mat Transporter


POWERFUL. Multipurpose concentrate kills HIV-1 (AIDS virus), Hepatitis B & C, and other viruses.



Germicidal Wipes, Pre-moistened cloths contain powerful disinfectant to kill germs on hard surfaces


260101 CAVICIDE®

Surface Disinfectant Potent, multi-purpose disinfectant/decontaminent cleaner for use on inanimate s

260101 CAVICIDE®

KSH97 KS Skin Protection

Skin protection for wrestlers. Non-greasy foam formulated to leave a hydrophobic (water repelling) l

KSH97 KS Skin Protection

KCL98 KENCLEAN PLUS Athletic Mat Cleaner

"Hospital use" disinfectant kills HIV-1 (AIDS) Virus, Herpes Simplex type 1, Staph, Strep,

KCL98 KENCLEAN PLUS Athletic Mat Cleaner